Mostly Pictures

By the end of October, I had a birthday and one of the gifts from Rob was a “Tempest” weather device that we mounted on our fence. It has a real knack, we discovered, for detecting lightning in the area. That’s kind of a joke but it’s actually true. In any case, it is neat to know the exact temperature in our little microclimate.

We still tend to be home much of the time and cook our own meals. We often eat outside on the back patio and it is only now, almost Christmas, that we have stopped. In fact, I swam in our pool at least twice IN DECEMBER! Not sure if I explained how we recovered from the never-ending pool saga but basically it turned out the filter was long overdue to be changed. So we removed all the sand ourselves (very difficult because it was hard-as-rock and also you have to work through narrow opening) and refilled with fresh substrate.

Paige visited for Thanksgiving so the dogs had a ball. Woody though would all of a sudden forget she’s been in the house for days and growl or bark. But that’s just Woody. We made a tick tock video during her visit featuring the dogs (credit to Paige). Also, Paige and I ran in the annual Turkey Trot which fortunately I was able to finish as it was 5 miles and I normally only run 3. We met a another Williams alum there but unfortunately our attempt to connect in social media failed.

Rob’s apple galette we had on Thanksgiving

Also I’ve been able to take Pangea out on walkabouts pretty regularly even into December. It needs to be at least 50’s and sunny or I won’t take her outside. The other thing I’ve noticed is that there are tons of butterflies and bees all over well into December.

Fruit trees are alive anyway and we even got two tasty pomegranates this fall! The loquat blossomed recently and so we hope to have some loquats in March or so.

We did see a couple of friends over the fall, but mostly didn’t do a whole lot of socializing. Rob and I both applied and were accepted into the Hays County Master Naturalist program. Classes will start in January.

It’s true that if classes end at 9:00 then it’s gonna be a late bedtime for me! Especially since some venues are kinda far from us. But I can do it if I have to!

We made the nameplate portions of the chicken memorial so now we just have to figure out how to mount them and put it outside or in the coop.

I’m also continuing to make lots of gelli prints. Halloween was super fun for making gelli prints/doll cutouts/embroidery, but there’s always more junk to try. I want to try suspending a gelli print by thread inside a frame. I already made one with cardboard.

I guess that’s not a lot of content for this blog considering it’s been a couple of months but I did distill it quite a bit. There’s plenty of pictures anyhow below in the gallery. Oh and I kinda like these videos of chickens just walking across the deck. Isis in the first one and then a Hash Brown with Zsa Zsa behind. Zsa Zsa is hilarious. She also hasn’t been laying any eggs for like months now! Actually, because the days are so short, we only have one chicken laying any eggs at the moment and that’s Isis.